Roulette is a common gambling game in all casinos, numbers, red or black are set up already in a particular pattern. I have an idea if the player can actually decide where player's win, everyone wins or dealer lose at a certain spots.
Player will receive several cards and on a players turn, they must play a card on the roulette and at the very last turn, everyone bets. After that the result will be revealed and it is possible that the reuslt is targeted at one player win/lose, everyone win/lose at the same time.
The theme of the game comes from where players can't go to sleep and try to count the sheep and reach a certain target number.
In addition to the player decision on how the roulette will look like, in order to add a bit more tension, it is possible that player can lose what they have won so far. This means player will not be able to do a minimum bet every turn. So no runaway winners here!
The question this game is facing is actually "how to decide the result?"
The question this game is facing is actually "how to decide the result?"
Roulette is pretty much a luck based game, where the fun comes from, which is a concept that I don't want to remove. Here are some current thought that I have and might work or not:
1. Deduction: Like Hattari where player receive some info and they can share.
2. Dice: Player roll dice.
3. Sim.Action: This is the original mechanism that I used, and this required all players shows how many fingers at the same time and the total will be the results.
4. Combining the numbers on to the card.
Any thought from you? yes, the smart lads sitting in front of the screen and just finish reading my work ?!