Q: Why OFFICE 21 need a expansion(promo)?
A: When I first start designing the game, there are many ideas about characters and abilities. More characters, mission expansion, assistant and many more, the game can grow to a reasonable size or even a cool small TCG if I want to. However, I feel a 4 cards promo will really make this game slightly different. That't it! 4 new characters are into the game. The difficulties is to make the promo stands out:
- 4 characters not really into the game but provide an alternative power for the characters already there.
- Shift the game to "Hand Manangement" rather then a pure "Party game"
- Give a bit more GOAL for players in an earlier stage.
You might think, ah... another promo if you did not play this, but I think it add a bit more details and challenge for you to get to 21 or winning. Well, I like the slight change and I hope you do either.
Q: Why I want to have a theme every time I have a chance to show my games?
A: This is communication, this year's SWANCON, I choose a more relax theme rather then giving a good discount or yes! you have to play board games! or LIKE us on Facebook...etc.
Summer should be a relax time for the year after all, especially for the students. Let's chill!
For you people are not in Taipei, this is what we have:
Thanks to Yu Jung Dong which is still working so hard on illustration.
Q: Where is GOLD RUSH?
A: There's a big delay, but I am trying my best to have everything ready in September and aiming for December. Hold tight!! I am so glad people is asking about this game and I will do my best to make sure this game is produced to the highest standard.
It's been really busy this month since I joined to the new company.
This is once in a lifetime opportunity and yes I am prepared for it. Fingers Crossed now.
for now, I think for me it's a turning point, I will stop designing the games for a few years and step into what I really want to do and aiming for my dream. I will definite play more games but for designing, I will put it down and leave it for a while. I will complete the series before 30, this is my new aim!